Technology Can't Replace This
ChatGPT, TikTok and all the other technology that is bombarding us continues to stoke fears of what we will lose and how things are being replaced. People spend more time than ever on technology, including up to 7 hours a day using the internet.
Even with all the bustle and craziness around us, there's one thing that hasn't yet been replaced by technology. It's been around since Roman times and is still an important part of our community today.
I am referring to the bench - that thing you plant your bottom on, that you find in various places when you're out and about.
Panelled benches were the most common form of seating in medieval halls, whilst a chair was a luxury reserved for those of high status. In fact, status also dictated if people used their benches for eating, lounging, and sleeping, or rather, individual pieces were used for each specific use.
Benches are extraordinary. We take them for granted, but what a difference they make when you're tired and need to sit down when you're outside. I've sheltered on benches under my umbrella on many miserable London days. Heck, I've even laid down and closed my eyes on a bench, because I was exhausted and just wanted to rest.
In our hectic world, we don't often notice the little things any more, which is why I draw attention to the humble bench. It is the subject of my latest picture book, This Silly Bench, which is currently free to download on Amazon and Kobo for a limited time. The book is quirky and features benches around London and also some from around the world. There are some cool characters too, like Joe the Crow, Matt the greedy rat, a baby gosling on Regent's Canal who has mastered Paddington's hard stare, a family of swans bringing contentment and calm, and many more wonderful animals.
Don't miss out!
Download the E-book on Amazon: USA, UK, DE, CA, JP & AU,or Kobo: USA, UK, DE, CA, JP & AU.
Or go to your local Amazon or Kobo website and search 'This Silly Bench E.M. Blake.'
You can also buy it in paperback from Amazon: USA, UK, DE, CA, JP & AU
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Plus don't forget to appreciate a bench next time you see one. Even if you are on ChatGPT, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, using a gadget or some other technology.
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