About Me

I love to be creative, whether it is cooking, gardening, writing, designing, photography or fashion. It's fun. 

My life used to revolve around travel. These days I mostly explore London, which is an amazing city which has many different sides, like a neverending story full of a mixed bag of characters. 

Nature is my therapy. Birds, flowers and clouds fascinate me. I find magic in the everyday. 

Words are wonderful. The world of books is one of my favourite places to get lost. Television, movies and music too are brilliant places to go to discover stories and can be transformative in how they make us see the world. 

Welcome to a corner of my world. 

I'm on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads and I have a website too if you fancy connecting, having a chat or finding out more about me. 

My book Dilly Dally Sally is also available on Amazon. 
