The Power of Why?

Children ask why? It's a great question. As adults, we forget to ask why? We don't always question why we do what we do, or why things are the way they are. If we are told a reason, we don't keep asking why? We move on. 

As writers, why is a powerful question. As we muddle through uncertain times, shouldn't we be asking why even more? Isn't the why part of the solution to making things better? 

The why drives a mystery. The why keeps us going. We keep wondering why when we are absorbed in a gripping story. We want to know the answer. We don't stop asking why? We enjoy the wonder of living in the world of why?

So why am I writing this post? 

I read an article about 3 year olds always asking why in the Metro. It led me down this merry path of musing about why? 

Why do I write? 

It is who I am. It is what I love. I don't know any other way than to express myself through words, putting them together, trying to make them coherent,  shaping tgem ibto something that goes somewhere. 

Why is this so?

I never learnt to draw. I love to sing and dance, but not enough to want to channel all my time and energies into it. I learnt instruments but never felt that was my calling. My childhood was filled with books. My parents indulged my interest by taking me to the library. Books and libraries have always been my safe place. It has something to do with why I write. 

Why does it matter?

I don't know. Maybe it doesn't. I just know that there is an answer to the why and I should try to figure ot out. 


Because knowing and understanding why we write might help me be even better as a writer. That is where this is going. It is what I am seeking to clarify about myself - what I want, why I want it and where am I going. 

It all started by asking why? 
