This Week On Social Media
Social media has become a major player in our lives. The creativity adds to my writing in wonderful ways.
Here are some of this weeks posts worth highlighting:
Questions and Point of Views
I learnt about Solomon's paradox from @sobergirlsociety's carousel. Perhaps that's what I enjoy about writing - it is the chance to explore my problems through another lense.
Meanwhile, George Styles asks:
"What is humanity's longest consistent habit?"
The responses were largely around human nature but also it stirs up other ideas. I liked this one:
"It's fascinating to me (tangent, I know, sorry) for how long humans have wished and pursued to express themselves and share their story and figure out new ways to express and share, from ancient cave paintings to myriads of detailed typefaces and intercultural pictograms."@shelbyn_23's viral thread is a thought that has often troubled me.
"Am I the only one that sees a problem with working 8-9 hours a day and then going home to having about 4 hours to yourself which includes getting ready for the next day??? This is not life…"
Droneflight_abg commented on one of my posts this week about golf courses and it totally changed the way I see images of them. Perception and how we see things differently is fascinating.
Insightful words always feel grounding and help us to see the world and our lives from different perspectives. Glamour Magazine interviewed Jessica Alba who said
“I don’t have a fear of failure,” she adds. “I have the opposite: I have a fear of, ‘If I didn’t try, [then] what’s the point?"
Surfing is one of my passions so I adore this by @TriciaMorrisADR@TriciaMorrisADR
Artistic Appreciation
Fans show their love. @MissBookworm28 had a cool Jodie Comer collage.
A goose was going ga ga when its owner comes home - the description says swan. The video from @buitengebieden made me smile.
CNN wrote an article about this ingenious idea to catalogue all 12,795 items in her house.
Belgian Barbara Iweins has other projects she's done on her Instagram account.
Hope you're having a happy day online or in real life.
Follow my blog and social media for more.
Twitter: @EllieMBlake1
Tiktok: @mycreativeeveryday
Goodreads: E.M. Blake
Pinterest: mycreativeeveryday
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